RIP to the Dollar Slice | NYC Pizzaflation

By Angelique Bailey    08.07.23

I know everyone is very much over New Yorkers bragging about our pizza, but…it’s good. It’s even better when it’s a dollar. The dollar slice is a staple. I never ate the school lunches in middle-school or high-school, so being able to get a relatively good slice of pizza for that cheap was a godsend. I was even more grateful through most of college, as things got more expensive will the dollar slice remained. However, in recent years, I’ve seen many dollar-slice pizzerias Sharpie over their posters advertising a plain cheese slice for a dollar, adding up to $0.50.

It’s not a massive change, and it’s still what I would consider a cheap slice, but I admit that it stung a little to find a pizzeria after work that rang me up for a couple quarters more than I was used to. With the current state of….well, everything, a slice of pizza succumbing to the motions of the economy is far from a major concern, but I will still mourn the dollar slice. It feels a lot more dramatic than pizza, it feels like the death of an era. It feels like I’m a real adult, and things cost real adult money. It feels like I’m definitely being way too dramatic. Measuring inflation with the cost of pizza has given me a sad taste of reality, and while the dollar slice still technically exists, I am sad to acknowledge that they are officially a relic of a past time.

Source:  Giphy