On Top of Your Head

My Curly Girl Journey: Hair Types

By Mary Maung    11.06.23

The Many Types of Hair 

<ol>Type 1 (1a/1b/1c) hair is straight hair. It’s straight when it’s dry. It’s straight when it’s wet. It is pinned straight. There is no natural curl to it. Type 2 (2a/2b/2c) is wavy hair like my hair. This is when your hair has loose s-shaped waves.Type 3 (3a/3b/3c) hair is curly hair where you get spirals or ringlets of hair. They are tighter and springy with a bounce. My hair is also Type 3. This is because I have both spiral shaped curls and wavy s-shapes. Type 4 (4a/4b/4c) hair is coily hair which is the ultimate coarse, spongy, and more defined ringlets. They are tightly coiled in a zigzag pattern.

My Curly Girl Journey 

You may be wondering why your hair type matters. Let’s begin with why I got into my curly girl journey. For as long as I can remember from like 7th grade to around 11th grade I have worn my hair up in a ponytail. I hated how my hair looked when it was down. It was always messy, frizzy because I always brushed it out and didn’t know how to take care of it. I have a small head too so just imagine a big fluff ball of long hair on top of my head. Do you remember how Anna looked on the morning of Coronation Day in Frozen? Yeah, that’s how my hair looked. 

During quarantine I made a change and started learning about how to take care of my hair based on my hair type. I began buying products targeting the needs of my hair and the products that would look best for it. My hair is more fine so I bought products that wouldn’t weigh down on my hair and instead lightweight products like leave in conditions and a hair mousse to keep the defintion in my hair. 

Tips for Starters 

If you don’t like how your hair looks my best advice to give you is make a change. Take the first step to learn about your hair type. The type of hair you have, the thickness of your hair, your hair's porosity and more. Once you do that you can start small and make little changes that’ll help you in the long run. Who doesn’t want healthy, shiny, good looking hair? As my hair got healthier my curl pattern was seen which in turn made me feel good about myself and less insecure about my appearance. I urge you to do the same. Start today.