Music Bang For Your Buck
Spotify, Apple Music, and Youtube are all places where people can go to listen to music. Why make them so different that they are all needed? Well Spotify is definitely the go to platform that everyone should go to. To start off this argument, Spotify and Apple Music fit into one category which is that they are great for traveling while Youtube fits into the category where you have to sit and watch. That already puts Spotify and Apple Music on top because no one likes having to sit after already sitting their own day doing their work. The only pro is that I have something to watch while listening to music, however it’s going to get repetitive to watch. With Spotify and Apple Music, I can listen to music while I'm on a run and not have to worry about advertisements interrupting my playlist, unlike Youtube. I can also listen to my music without my screen having to be on draining my battery with Spotify and Apple Music.
Then there is the controversial argument of Spotify or Apple Music. I’ll admit that Apple Music is more aesthetically pleasing, but its functionality is not. Putting a song into a playlist is much easier on Spotify than it is on Apple Music. It is also more common for people to use Spotify rather than Apple Music so connecting with someone is that much simpler. Apple Music also used to make people pay per song, but recently changed it to now only having to pay per month while Spotify is completely free. Another perk is that Spotify lets you see what your friends are listening to if they want to turn on that feature. That helps with knowing how your friends are feeling. For example, if my friend was listening to a breakup playlist, I now have a heads-up on what I need to say to her. Music is not Spotify’s only function, they let their users put up their own podcast so people can pick if they want to listen to music or listen to a podcast. A lot of people I know and people I watch on Tiktok use this podcast feature daily. They use it when they’re driving home from work, on a run, or making food. Therefore Spotify is the superior choice.